Thursday, 27 October 2011

Tube Swap

This isnt much of an update I haven't had much time for projects recently. However I have finally tracked down a black & white tv that I have needed for years, it is for a Taito Space Invaders cocktail with a broken tube.

This tube is the correct size and neck type (CR-7) as the monitor in the Space Invaders (Toei GM-140) and although the TV tube uses 11v on the heater and the monitor uses 12v it should be a close enough match.

The yoke on the other hand is not even close so I will have to do my first yoke swap, which will be interesting. I will try and document as much of the yoke swap as I can as I go along even if it doesn't all go to plan.

For anyone interested in more info on the TV it is a Boots Audio 14, with a Mullan A34-510W tube. There's also an isolanted transformer inside the case which might come in handy, I haven't had a change to check it yet but I am guessing it's a 100v-120v step down.