Friday, 3 April 2015

Donkey Kong (Herbie at the Olympics)

I bought a non working Donkey Kong pcb from Canada to hopefully repair and stick in my vertical cabinet. Turns out it needed a deconversion rather than a repair. This board had been converted to Herbie at the Olympics which I had never heard of until running the rom dumps through rom ident.

The board wasn't running just showing white blocks on the screen, this is because there is meant to be a cpu daughterboard as part of the conversion but this had been removed and just had the cpu put back in the socket. Without changing the rom code back to DK the game will not run.

After erasing and reprogramming all the eproms the game now runs but mostly in black and white due to the three colour proms, once these are replaced it should be 100% deconverted / repaired.

UPDATE: I bought the 3 proms from Mike's Arcade and the board is now fully working.