I was going to use kynar wire but this was too big, the traces are extremely small and close together. So I ended up taking some multi core wire and using a single strand about the size of a hair.
With the micro surgery complete and no other visible issues I powered the board up. At first all I got was a black screen so didn't think it was running but then the music kicked in and part of the title screen appeared.
I fixed another Sunset Riders pcb recently that didn't end up getting logged but it gave me a good idea where the issue was. The other board wasn't as bad but had colour and background issues caused by a bad 053251 konami custom.
By touching certain pins on the custom chip I was able to get it to display slightly more of the background.
I took a donor 053251 from a Golfing Greats pcb.
Not quite there yet but better.
Time to check the maskroms as these are another common failure on this era konami board. I went into test mode but wasn't able to read which was the maskrom test, I used mame to see what I should be seeing. Then I could see the bottom two turned red which again in mame I could see was 16K and 1D, 16K maskrom contains graphics data and D1 contains the audio. This explained the lack of shooting and certain other sounds.
I then replaced the two maskroms with eproms (27C400 and 27C800). Luckily they were all in sockets from the factory, usually they're soldered directly into the board.
A blob of liquid soldermask to protect the repaired traces on the bottom and the repair is complete.